Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday 2nd June 2009

Keeper of the Thicket Review

I have had so much fun with this wonderful Keeper of the Thicket tutorial by the outstanding Cynthia Tilker.

For anyone venturing in to sculptural work I would highly recommend this tutorial it's excellent, a comprehensive list of tools and materials, nothing exceptional required I had everything I needed and I'm not a tool hoarder. Clear steps, great pictures and constant reminders to 'keep me warm' which are essential. I've really learnt a lot about glass making these little chaps, and this tutorial has given me a bit more confidence to make larger sculptural work, I've thoroughly enjoyed myself and thrilled my children who have adopted them all.

I really should have been working but it's not often I have a play day, and this one I put down to research ;o)

My First Keeper 'Dinky'

Second Attempt 'Viv'


Dinky, Viv and Violet


Eve Smith said...

wow Kate these are fab, did you really do these, i love them, Evex

Sublime Beads by Kate said...

Hi Eve, yes I really did.....lolol

And I have the shakey hands to prove it, over an hour on one bead it tough going ;0)

by keiara - lampwork beads said...

those are REALLY fantastic, love.. I especially love the freckles! xox

Sublime Beads by Kate said...

Thanks Keiara, would it be terrible of me to name drop and say that Cynthia Tilker herself also likes the freckled one :0) she emailed me to say so...he he

Anonymous said...

These are so adorable!