When I was a little girl I often went to stay with my Grandparents in Huddersfield, on one occasion it was for a week or two, I think mum and dad had bogged off to France and dumped my brother and I there, not that we minded we were spoilt rotten. One evening after a thorough scrubbing with Imperial Leather from Nana in the bath we were ritually wrapped up in dressing gowns with horlicks in one hand and a kit-kat in the other winding down for bed. Grandad appeared and announced that we were going on an adventure and that we all had to get in the car, as we were! We had no idea where we were going, an hour or so later there we were parked up on the front at Blackpool in our pyjamas, eating fish and chips from Harry Ramsdens watching the Illuminations from the car, it was magic! One of my fondest childhood memories of my Grandparents.
It's just a year since Grandad passed away which put me in mind of him a lot, so it was wonderful to relive that memory with my own children recently. We took them to Blackpool and enjoyed the very best Blackpool had to offer, Harry Ramsden's fish 'n' chips, a ride on the big wheel on central pier, a horse and carriage ride all the way along the seafront, Blackpool Rock and of course the Illuminations, but this time aboard the Illuminations Tour open top tram! I have to say it was fantastic, the children were mesmerised, and I LOVED it, all of it.

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